2022’s retreat is evoking your emotions in Malaga, Spain

Who is InnerCamp retreat?

InnerCamp retreat is a global community of people dedicated to improving the world by empowering people to reach their full potential and live their best lives. Through your mind, body, and senses, live your life fully and fearlessly with this tactile experience that is meant to re-establish your sacred connection to your inner self while also revitalizing your entire being. Evoking your emotions will assist you in expanding your awareness, being more present, healing old traumas, and reinventing yourself. This retreat will open your heart to many blessings, based on the physiology of emotions, energy work, breathing exercises, and active meditation.

Where is InnerCamp located?

InnerCamp offer retreats throughout the world in Europe, Asia and USA. The 2022’s retreats will take place in El Cachete, a 150-year-old farmhouse nestled amid 80 acres of lovely olive orchards. The sunning, authentically renovated Andalusian cortijo is approximately 50 kilometers from Malaga airport in Spain.

Are you looking for general happiness and cheerfulness?

The retreat helps you take command of your thoughts and remove physical, emotional, and mental stumbling blocks.

2022 is the year of tantra retreat

Tantra, which literally means “expansion, expanding, or broadening,” is based on an ancient Indian philosophy. It has been given a new look in the west, and each trainer interprets it differently. Tantra can also have a variety of effects on you. Tantra is based on the concept of prana, or life energy. Your body is a conduit for this vital energy. It enriches, broadens, and broadens your existence. We provide you the tools to balance your chakras and let the prana flow freely during a tantra retreat. Your emotions, wants, and fears are challenged. That is demanding, but tantra also provides a great deal of support. Thru tantra retreat you learn to unconditionally love yourself, and you become more open to others.

Find here the schedule and how to join

Breathwork retreat is the way to let it go

Breathwork retreat InnerCamp
Breathwork retreat InnerCamp

Breathwork, also known as rebirthing, is a transformative healing treatment that attempts to activate the subconscious mind and deliver insights that are difficult to access through traditional therapy.

It assists people in clearing old patterns, conditioning, fight or flight responses, as well as negative emotions and thoughts, in order to help them live more vibrant lives and gain access to deeper consciousness.

Breathwork is a set of exercises that teaches you how to control your breathing rate and depth with the purpose of increasing your awareness of your breath and, in turn, offering the same advantages as contemplative practice.

People in the Eastern half of the world have been doing breathwork for thousands of years, even if it appears to be a “up-and-coming” wellness practice in the West. Pranayama is a breathwork exercise that originated in ancient India and meaning “holy life power” in Sanskrit. It also fuels conventional yoga practices.

Find here the schedule and how to join


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